

expositions to

Liberal Notes

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27.07.2006 / ... / 12.09.2003


The society of citizens





Political action, specially the hard critic to the state of western democracy, needs a consistent philosophical foundation; otherwise “politics” will degenerate towards arbitrariness. With the 10 principles of the liberal society it is showed, that a political philosophy, e.g., the liberal values may be described in short terms but comprehensively. The tighten language may not be of every-ones preference, but the development of “10 principles” started in 1996 will surely not end in these days.


First of all liberty

The sense of social live is to preserve liberty and to make prosperity possible. But every -one’s freedom has to be compatible to freedom to any actual or future person. The freedom-compromise among all individuals is set up in the social contract, that is the legal order.

The fundament are the Human Rights

Every person’s dignity requires the culture of worldwide respected Human Rights. Precondition for the coming worldwide civil society free of violence is a political order generated by consensual processes based on the Universal Humans Tight Declaration.

Private property and democratic participation, contested and restricted during the twentieth century, are essential to the liberal concept of freedom.

The protective state is the base of common weal

The collectivity of citizens organizes a state to produce legal protection for everyone. But freedom requires strongly limited state functions and regimentation. A confusing legal regime keeps privileges, less but well applied laws liberate.

The functioning of state institutions are born, according to individual capacity, by all members of society.

In the closer world coming together more and more legal protection at regional and universal level are to be strengthened and enhanced. Future generations are entitled to such heir.

The dignity of responsible citizens

Individuals wish scope of development and self-responsibility instead of governments distributing welfare and thus producing a mentality of cared and depended subjects. Autonomy not paid submission is the motive power of individual acts. The driving force of freedom deploys in activities like entrepreneurship, the build up of capital or the consumption.

Individual action in the frame of free clubs, enterprises or public associations tightens the relational framework of the society.

Advocate the multiple aspects of social fairness

Self-help and individual performance deploy if life chances are based on the principle of freedom. This requires essentially fair access to culture, to high quality education, to social positions and aid directed to individuals, securing their socio-economic premises for more freedom. Paid work is the bridge to life chance, but fair income is the result from personal performance. Rights require obligations, e.g. to participate maintaining the social contract.


6. Secure the competition

Policy for market deployment characterizes a fair society. Competition only exists at market -places; this way economic efficiency and freedom coexist. At an open world market efficient economies will prosper, yielding best goods provision. Peaceful competition for ideas, services and goods promotes Innovation and step by step reforms. Only under a regime of competition tendencies towards cartels and not justified de-linking of performance and yield are countervailed - at all social spheres - without coercion. Parliaments, justice and governments create and maintain the condition for performing markets.

Maximum competence at lowest state-levels

The ideal of representative democracy developed since Enlightenment has the sense oft citizens participation. Political decisions are taken by parliaments close to citizens. The higher state organs becomes active according to concrete, general or specific instruction of citizens of parliaments whenever self-help, families, clubs, enterprises and public associations do not fulfill social requests or if Human Rights endangered.

Restraining the productive state in the civil society

Corporations like communities, regions or states compete like market participants to obtain approbation from citizens choosing to live in their territories. The producer of public financed good are supervised personally by members of parliaments; their legal constitution is the same as for privates, have the same obligations and rights as all other providers on goods or service markets.

sustainable development

Men act with responsibility if they keep the conditions to live for future men; provision is present obligation. Legal orders at local, regional or international level determine according to the principle of causer and market the use of natural resources by citizen, enterprises and state agencies. The promotion of sustainable development is the principle for the European development aid.

Open society

Cultural, spiritual and economic freedom is not compatible to ideology, dogmatism or paternalism. There do not exist answers concerning the destiny of history. The open society offers and encourages for auto-determination, pluralism of opinions, stiles of life and cultures. Liberals reforms the social contract seeking the consensus, instead of imposing the will of prigs. Tolerance due to respect for diversity protects against paternalism and characterizes together with the principal of equal opportunities the open society of free men.



This contribution is a complete but not exhaustive description of liberalism. Step by step other articles will be added to the English version of The Liberal Notes




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